About Carl Bray
Dr. Bray brings to heritage planning a unique blend of private and public sector experience, underlain by pioneering academic research. As a practising landscape architect, urban designer and planner, he is able to apply his qualifications in each discipline to work in multi-disciplinary teams. He has been able to successfully complete a wide variety of projects, for many different clients. As a professional who has worked in both as a civil servant and as a consultant, he understands development from both points of view. All of these aspects of his work allow him to achieve consensus amongst widely divergent participants in the planning and development process. And his academic research (into the individual and collective meanings and values people have for place) provides new ways of resolving contentious issues in managing change, whether in a small town or a large city.
Carl Bray, Principal, BLA MAUD PhD OALA CSLA CAHP MCIP RPP, is a landscape architect and heritage planner with graduate degrees in urban design and cultural geography. He has over 40 years of professional experience in both the public and private sectors and has successfully completed projects across Canada and in the US, the Caribbean and Great Britain. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Queen’s University in the Department of Geography and the graduate School of Urban and Regional Planning.
He has provided consulting services for federal, provincial and municipal agencies, for private development companies, and for non-profit agencies and First Nations communities. He leads or is part of multi-disciplinary teams that encompass a wide range of specialist skills including architecture, landscape architecture, land use planning, environmental engineering, museum planning, management consulting, and archaeology.

About Carl Bray
Dr. Bray brings to heritage planning a unique blend of private and public sector experience, underlain by pioneering academic research. As a practising landscape architect, urban designer and planner, he is able to apply his qualifications in each discipline to work in multi-disciplinary teams. He has been able to successfully complete a wide variety of projects, for many different clients. As a professional who has worked in both as a civil servant and as a consultant, he understands development from both points of view. All of these aspects of his work allow him to achieve consensus amongst widely divergent participants in the planning and development process. And his academic research (into the individual and collective meanings and values people have for place) provides new ways of resolving contentious issues in managing change, whether in a small town or a large city.
Carl Bray, Principal, BLA MAUD PhD OALA CSLA CAHP MCIP RPP, is a landscape architect and heritage planner with graduate degrees in urban design and cultural geography. He has over 30 years of professional experience in both the public and private sectors and has successfully completed projects across Canada and in the US, the Caribbean and Great Britain. He is an Adjunct Professor at Queen’s University in the Department of Geography and the graduate School of Urban and Regional Planning.
He has provided consulting services for federal, provincial and municipal agencies, for private development companies, and for non-profit agencies and First Nations communities. He leads or is part of multi-disciplinary teams that encompass a wide range of specialist skills including architecture, landscape architecture, land use planning, environmental engineering, museum planning, management consulting, and archaeology.
Dr. Carl Bray is proud to be a Senior Associate with Letourneau Heritage Consulting Inc. and is a frequent collaborator with Dr. Marcus Letourneau and his team. For information on the types of services our firms can offer jointly, please refer to the LHC website at lhcheritage.com.
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Carl Bray & Associates LTD.
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