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Williamsville Main Street Study

This project provided an urban design plan for a neglected part of Princess Street (Kingston’s “main street”) that was characterized by low-rise, car-oriented development and vacant lots. As part of the consulting team awarded the project, Carl Bray, with a local historian, was retained to prepare a history of the area’s development and an overview of the potential heritage significance of the area and of the individual properties contained therein. A key part of his work was determining the area’s character, based on the historical analysis, which then led to detailed recommendations for compatible development in each of the three “character areas” identified in the Study. An important impetus for the project was a student assignment in Dr. Bray’s Community Design class at the Queen’s University graduate School of Urban and Regional Planning. Under his direction, the students prepared a comprehensive plan for the revitalization of the area’s public realm and made recommendations for compatible infill development. The student project helped prompt the City to address the potential of the area for redevelopment. Dr. Bray remained as the Study’s heritage consultant and participated throughout the Study process. Today the Study recommendations have been implemented and the anticipated redevelopment process is well underway. Both the City and the private sector have undertaken projects that fulfill the Study’s goals and objectives and are in accord with the Study’s urban design guidelines for the private and public realms.

City of Kingston

Williamsville District, Kingston, ON

Project Duration:
2011 – 2012

Prime Consultant:

Carl Bray & Associates LTD.

Meetings by appointment.

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Carl Bray & Associates LTD.

Meetings by appointment.

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